Star Wars' Jar Jar Binks was a hated character by many Prequel Trilogy fans, yet Jar Jar ended up losing everything he had in the Star Wars galaxy.
Star Wars nerds – like myself – will instantly recognize that the camera is modeled after the electrobinoculars that the battle droid commander, OOM-9, is seen using at the beginning of the climactic ...
Anakin Skywalker or Jar Jar Binks. Blue Moon Camera's Reel illustrates how this toy prioritizes the Star Wars subject matter over usability. The rewind mechanism and advancement wheel are on the ...
Cons: You start with the prequels, which are almost universally seen as the worst Star Wars movies. The Phantom Menace, which includes a lot of Jar Jar Binks ... destroys the Death Star shows ...
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977) Long before Jar Jar Binks, George Lucas was pioneering CGI technology ... Larry Cuba’s computer schematic of the Death Star (which took months of programming) ...