Acupuncture is a popular TCM treatment. Two young practitioners describe the ways they use it and the benefits it provides ...
Here are some risk factors that you may control that may increase the likelihood of developing arthritis: Obesity or ...
Immunotherapy is a modern approach to cancer treatment that uses a patient's own immune system to help fight tumors. It has made an incredible impact on treating cancers in many different organ ...
According to Cancer Research UK, remission means that there is no sign of cancer in a person’s body. And if there are any ...
Amid doubts over a common decongestant, evidence suggests the placebo effect can still help people suffering from a cold.
The global burden of anxiety- and depression-related disorders is on the rise. While multiple drugs have been developed to ...
Bristol Myers Squibb CEO Chris Boerner described Cobenfy, a new drug to treat schizophrenia and may also help with bipolar ...