Haiti has endured the devastation of two catastrophic earthquakes -- first in 2010 and again in 2021. Each disaster left behind widespread destruction: buildings reduced to rubble, entire communities ...
Trump's Presidential Proclamation 10043 in May 2020 canceled more than 1,000 visas held by Chinese graduate students and ...
Atlantic are setting the pace for US innovation by driving research, technology, and business growth, according to a new ...
Even without a boost from an expanding work force, strong productivity growth can be a significant source of economic support ...
Professor Mohamed Mostafa, head of the civil engineering department at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, highlighted the ...
In a groundbreaking study on the synthesis of cellulose -- a major constituent of all plant cell walls -- a team has captured images of the microscopic process of cell-wall building continuously over ...
(Being Prof. Adebayo Okunade’s 70th Birthday Anniversary and Valedictory Lecture Delivered at the Department of Political ...
A rapid shift to automation and digital technology to cut costs has left millions of workers with even fewer job ...
Eligible and interested candidates can apply for IIT Delhi PhD admissions at iitd.ac.in. The direct link and other details ...
Mr. Muttetuwegama served as a MP for over 12 years representing the Kalawana seat from the Communist Party from 1970 to 1981.
We’ve been observing this building for a couple of years now: seemingly simple, perhaps even unassuming, it fits in ...