Dormammu, a powerful demonic entity, plans to invade Marvel Earth in 2025. Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, Dormammu ...
Meanwhile, Thor: The Dark World is directly mentioned after the eighth episode of the first Agents of Shield season. A similar thing happens with The Winter Solder (this was when Marvel TV were ...
Rogue has emerged as one of the best heroes in not just the X-Men, but the entire Marvel Universe. Here's how the former ...
Whether it's eldritch or cosmic horror games, these Lovecraftian games are sure to scratch that stygian itch inside your mind ...
At the same time, Godzilla Vs. Fantastic Four #1 will kick off a series of one-shots featuring the King of the Monsters ...
The study seeks to explain the presence of dark matter using a WED model. The scientists studied fermion masses, which they ...
suggesting that either the gas was significantly cooler than predicted—a potential sign of an unexpected interaction of ordinary matter with the colder dark matter—or that the background ...
I call their program a recipe for the return of the "Dark Ages." Though the term is now much disputed, the phrase “Dark Ages” is used by some historians to describe a “’ period of ...
The dark web, for the uninitiated among you, is a virtual neighborhood beyond the borders of the normal, everyday internet (which includes the website you're looking at right now). It's somewhere ...