The Acolyte struggled to find a following in its debut, but new analytics make the case that the Star Wars prequel shouldn't ...
The Cerean spoke to other High Republic Jedi as Master Sol delivered a status report to Master Vernestra Rwoh. Ki-Adi-Mundi's appearance adds more than a bit of portent to the series, as he was the ...
Rebecca Henderson as Vernestra Rwoh, Manny Jacinto as Qimir, and Dafne Keen as Jacki Lon, to name a few. However Star Wars: The Acolyte was canceled after one season due to poor ratings, high ...
Fear of the Jedi #2 is out this Wednesday, and you can get yourself a sneak peek at the issue with the official preview below ...
The High Republic Adventures #16 on Wednesday, and we have the official preview of the issue for you below; take a look… The ...
Today, we're looking at Star Wars: The High Republic – Fear Of The Jedi #2, hitting stores on Wednesday, March 26th. THE BATTLE FOR NABOO BEGINS! As KEEVE TRENNIS prepares to breach the ...
High Republic Adventures Phase III #16 as the Battle of Eriadu reaches its climax with a mysterious new player entering the ...
This 5A team has dismantled everybody they've faced, outscoring the first 12 opponents 151-7. Coach Kelly Fowler might have her most talented team, even more than the three 30-plus-win teams that ...