Windsor Harbour Master Peter Berry knows the “unsettling” feeling of being followed by a strange drone. He’s had tiny flying ...
The Canadian appliance service sector is witnessing an unprecedented evolution as professional appliance repair and maintenance services embrace cutting-edge technology and advanced diagnostics.
What happened to China's reusable rocket testbed? A Chinese state-owned company performed a rocket flight on January 18 (US ...
A DRONELIFE Exclusive interview with Flock Safety on expanding DFR technology and high-tech tools for public safety.
The illegal crossing of people, goods and drugs will be that much harder at the Canada-US border with the addition of two Black Hawk helicopters added to the RCMP’s existing fleet of nine.
FN Media Group News Commentary - The drone platform services segment dominated the global drone services market share in recent years and is estimated to be the fastest growing through 2032. This is ...
The video is just 34 seconds long. It was taken on a handheld camera and it’s shaky, but there’s no mistaking the devastation ...
The war in Ukraine is a rigorous test for all equipment and its modifications. Surprisingly, even tanks like the Leopard 1A5, ...
Musk Metals Corp. is pleased to announce that it has increased by claim staking the recently optioned Lac du Km 35 Germanium Property, located near the mining town of Chibougamau, Québec. The Property ...
If cameras aren't connected to Wi-Fi, you can still pick them up with your Bluetooth. Just set your Bluetooth to its pairing ...
The artificial intelligence behind Alert California is interpreting camera footage so firefighters can predict how a column of smoke will grow into a wildfire.