Morris, for his part, said he reminds himself “of the incredible safety record of commercial aviation. Statistically speaking ...
The Toronto plane crash and other flight mishaps have flyers on edge as a man with aerophobia reassures flyers about plane ...
While abolishing flight anxiety may not be achievable, Amir Afkhami, MD, PhD, shares his best flight anxiety tips to help ...
Mental health experts reveal effective strategies to calm your nerves before a first date, plus crucial signs that anxiety ...
If headlines of recent plane crashes and close calls have you worried about air travel, you're not alone. Here are some things you can do to help ease anxiety about flying.
Travel experts at confirmed that sitting over the wings will give you the smoothest flight experience as the most stable point in the plane, subject to less turbulence than the nose and tail ...
The writer says mental detoxing involves clearing the mind of clutter, stress, and negativity, much like how we detox our ...
With just a day to go, stress and anxiety are running high among students; board exams are often seen as a major milestone in ...
Managing stress during exams takes time and effort. Be patient, stay consistent, and prioritise your and your child's well-being. Find out how.
In the first three non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stages, your body temperature lowers and your heartbeat slows down. Sleeping ...
Peace lilies purify the air, boost humidity, and reduce stress. They’re low-maintenance, improve focus, and enhance indoor ...