As measles cases continue to rise in Texas, so too can public anxiety. News alerts, social media discussions and warnings ...
Happiness expert Gretchen Rubin famously said, “Action is the antidote to anxiety.” It might sound like a simple phrase, but ...
There is a connection between alcohol and anxiety the day after you drink for many reasons, even if you’ve not been diagnosed ...
Such claims are nothing new: Self-proclaimed health prophets and doomsayers have been around for a long time, promising to ...
Falling asleep quickly used to come easy to me until I hit my late twenties. Then I went from dropping off within 15 minutes to tossing and turning for an hour. Two hours. Longer. It turned out that ...
Is your glass half empty or half full? Bill Burke, founder of the Optimism Institute, offers tips for realistic optimism: ...
The most simple way to reduce your response to stress and worry is to learn to breath differently. It is free, it is easy, ...
Parenting is one of those things you think you can prepare for it all you want—until you find yourself Googling “toddler won’t eat anything but ketchup” at 2 a.m. And while I fully support therapy, ...
Doctor visits don’t always have to be stressful. Discover simple strategies for managing health anxiety at any age, plus how ...
The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America is encouraging caregiver to follow the I.R.I.S.H. tip to help loved ones celebrate St. Patrick's Day in a dementia-friend ...
As spring break approaches for D.C.-area students, some kids are expressing fears of flying — a psychiatrist is offering tips to get vacations off the ground.
Emotional balance is something we all aim for (or should aim for), as it’s crucial for mental health. But let’s be honest: It ...