Arizona's Medicaid program is called the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, or AHCCCS (pronounced "access"). It is ...
Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez of Philadelphia is calling for prayer, saying his “heart sank” after learning of a fatal air crash ...
A bid is being made to turn former Celtic player and manager, ex-Kilmarnock manager and former Scotland assistant coach Tommy Burns into a saint ...
The traditional event is to remember the virtues of Shinran ... Sisters in their 20s who live in the area took part in the event. The two said they offered prayers and expressed gratitude for what ...
Participants can choose to receive the daily prayers either through email or text message and it is available in both English and Spanish. Francesca is a staff reporter for Catholic News Agency.
This year, the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn ... Ahead of the march, the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) is inviting the faithful to take part in its ...
Medicaid coverage for traditional healing would also help address funding gaps at tribal health clinics. Indian Health Service funding covers only part of needed costs, forcing providers to bill third ...
Bishop Daniel Thomas of Toledo, Ohio, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, called on Catholics to observe Jan. 22 as “a day of prayer and ...
This disconnect has spurred efforts to integrate traditional healing with modern therapy, fostering a healthcare model that respects cultural beliefs while providing evidence-based treatment.
In a telegram released by the Vatican the previous day, Francis also assured the people of Los Angeles of his prayers as the fires continued to cause death and destruction. "Entrusting the souls ...