From growth charts to anemia thresholds, clinical standards assume a single human prototype. Why are we still using ...
Scientists at Kyoto University have discovered that human sperm defy Newton's third law by propelling themselves through viscous fluids using their tails. The study reveals that sperm tails ...
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): Adopted in 1948, this foundational document outlines basic human rights such as equality, freedom, and dignity. Though not legally binding, it has ...
As the luckless citizens of Lviv, Ukraine, endure yet another foreign invasion, Philippe Sands's book — and the ideas that ...
After the horrors of World War II and yet again in humanity’s history, law was seen as a rational means for containing such ...
Human rights are rooted in the ancient ideas of civility, equality and justice. The term is used frequently, but less often ...
You have been considering shared ownership as a way to get on the housing ladder. This is a scheme that allows individuals to ...
We are living in a time of universal moral drought. Universal moral confusion, depravity, all of those things,” she says, ...
I read with great interest Everett Piper’s recent column, “Trump’s ‘common sense’ and the death of the Democratic Party” (Web, March 9).
The Indian Law Institute (ILI) and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) jointly organised a day-long training ...
Taylor Kruse of Los Angeles City Law, an attorney for Morrison, said that incident resulted in a spinal compression fracture that "changed every aspect of Ms. Morrison's life." "Universal Studios ...