Ukraine said one of its F-16 pilots shot down six missiles, which it said would be a record for the American jet.
There is no precision equipment or autopilot for fire drops, just a pilot's view through the windscreen and his experience.
Ukraine said that an F-16 pilot took out six Russian cruise missiles in a single flight, setting a record for the ...
You might have heard a fast, and loud, plane in the sky this afternoon, that was one of the Thunderbird planes.
Welcome back to The Daily Aviation for a feature on an unusual machine that test aircraft pilots limits. Voice, text and ...
Captain Theresa Claiborne, the first Black woman pilot in the U.S. Air Force and President of Sisters of the Skies, inspires young women with her story of determination and excellence. She emphasizes ...
A Bridgewater State student is now the youngest active pilot in the Massachusetts wing of the Civil Air Patrol.First ...
Ukraine said one of its pilots downed a record-breaking six cruise missiles in a single mission. The pilot said he downed two of them with his gun, something experts said took great skill and risk.
Switzerland’s Air Force is curbing flying displays, balancing the budget against new priorities to safeguard readiness and ...