The Fascinated by Shipwrecks Podcast, hosted by Kathy A. Smith,  is dedicated to the People & the Science of Maritime ...
The U.S. Navy is honoring Doylestown marine and Silver Star recipient 1st Lt. Travis Manion by naming a new ship in his ...
The Navy's new sci-fi short "Sea Strike" shows how new tools including AI, drones, and lasers could help in future ...
The United States has been attempting to develop a next-generation guided missile destroyer for over 30 years. Despite the ...
China has commissioned a new-generation frigate as competition rises with the U.S. and other regional powers, saying the ship ...
The U.S. Navy rapidly added new C-UAS (Counter-Unmanned Aerial System) capabilities to the Freedom-class Littoral Combat ...
The Navy vessels will be the first to bear the names of former presidents William J. Clinton and George W. Bush.
Two new aircraft carriers will be named after Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, continuing the Navy convention of naming them ...
Biden announced the two U.S. Navy Gerald R. Ford-class carriers will be named after Presidents Bill Clinton and George W.
Become one. “Wherever she sails, the USS Travis Manion will be a symbol of courage, bravery and self-sacrifice,” Del Toro said. Marine 1st Lt. Travis Manion, a 2004 Naval Academy graduate, was killed ...
Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro announced the names of a new class of vessels Friday in honor of two of the first people to reach the deepest known point in the Earth’s seabed. In ...
In addition, a third ship will be named after a Marine and Naval Academy graduate who was killed in action. With a model of the 1876 ship, the USS Antietam, looming beyond midshipmen and state ...