Three local young women are getting ready to end their four years on the West Virginia University Dance Team. Seniors, Alana Trigg from Barnesville, McKenzie Kiziminski from Wheeling and Haleigh ...
The Robert E. Lee Community Center in Chase City is about to undergo a historic makeover. On Monday night, Chase City Town ...
Boasting its fourth annual event at the historic Homestead-Miami Speedway, CLASH Endurance is thrilled to welcome nearly 2,000 athletes to test their fitness at one of the numerous events taking place ...
THERE'S NO SINGLE right way to naturally lose weight. If there were, everyone would be doing it. Hence why fad diets are just ...
Administrators are boosting academics, attendance and culture in a three-year program that teaches them how to make systemic ...
Beginning in April, the Virginia Department of Education plans to resume rolling out the long-awaited instructional guides ...
UVa's musical production of "As You Like It," opening Thursday, is "an explosion of color" with catchy tunes and plenty of ...
Amassing record vetoes, even rejecting the supposed housekeeping bills of enemies, Glenn Youngkin is becoming the guy he ...
During the pandemic, the health department received $2 billion in federal funds and hired more than 1,000 temporary employees ...
Ochsner Children’s Hospital and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), a respected leader in medication error ...
The new store will bring the chain’s regional location count to six, adding to its spot at Short Pump Town Center in western ...
“Pursuant to Article V, Section 6 of the Constitution of Virginia, I veto House Bill 1724, establishing a Prescription Drug Affordability Board.