Doctors at Duke Health have successfully performed the world’s first living mitral valve replacement, saving three lives in North Carolina.
The procedure became possible after 11-year-old Journi Kelly, from Wilson, N.C., received a ... was born with a genetic condition called Turner's syndrome that can cause heart defects.
The procedure became possible after 11-year-old Journi Kelly, from Wilson, N.C., received a ... was born with a genetic condition called Turner’s syndrome that can cause heart defects.
The procedure was possible after 11-year-old Journi Kelly, of Wilson, received a full-heart ... Kensley has a genetic disorder called Turner's syndrome and had already undergone two operations.
Elly has suffered from what might be termed Aaron Judge Syndrome — pitches below his ... He also played 18 games at second base. Turner’s elite speed is intact, and he should hit his usual ...
This season has seen Dr. Turner, portrayed by Stephen McGann ... a dedicated and "fantastic" father to Daniel, who has Down Syndrome. Reflecting on the early days of fatherhood, Jane recalled ...
Journi Kelly, 11, of Wilson, received the donor heart ... She was diagnosed at birth with a genetic disorder called Turner’s syndrome and had two operations before she was even two months old. A ...
Among his criticism, Turner made sure to compliment the roster and pointed out the change in the team once Wilson took over. “There was a definite culture change," Turner said. “I don’t ...
Turner, who hails from the English town of Hastings, said doctors initially said the stressful situation caused her to develop benign fasciculation syndrome, which the Cleveland Clinic explains ar ...