The latest pictures of Bollywood's favourite couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone from an event are going viral on the internet. But what is so special about these pictures? Ranveer and ...
In recent news, Japan’s capital, Tokyo, through the Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced its plan to implement a four-day workweek for government employees as an effort to reform work style in the ...
Fans of K-pop star Lisa got a closer look at her mysterious character in The White Lotus 3 when the official teaser for the award-winning American drama series was released on Dec 17. Like in an ...
A "super-prac" teaching model is being trialled at primary schools in the Hunter. It sees large groups of teaching students complete their professional placements together, rather than solo.
To get a complete picture, interviewers may ask you to introduce yourself. Here’s what Lucia Kanter, a negotiation coach who has worked closely with human resources professionals on hiring ...
Receiving an introduction by email can be the starting point for a positive professional outcome including a new career, a new hire, a new project, the chance to help someone else or a new ...