Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his demonstrators stream over an Alabama River bridge at the city limits of Selma, Ala., ...
Democracy needs defending. This generation has a rendezvous to cross its Edmund Pettus Bridge. Let them take inspiration from ...
The bill would require the N.C. Department of Transportation to study the cost and potential economic benefits of a commuter ...
If Selma was the apex of the civil rights movement, we are now witnessing the apex of the anti-human rights backlash – heard in President Donald Trump’s absurd claim, echoed by acolytes like Gov.
In jail, Jackson wrote a“Letter From a Greensboro Jail ,” a rhetorical tip of the hat to Martin Luther King Jr.'s“Letter from ...
Forbes was a 20-year-old sophomore when Shaw hosted students and civil rights leaders, including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., from ... followed the model of the Greensboro sit-ins, which had ...
It was the apex of the civil rights movement — fueled mainly by the unimaginable courage of young people, from lunch counter sit-ins in Greensboro ... Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and ...