Opposition to economic development is growing. Population growth, pollution and land reclamations are the critical factors.
In Fujian, the auxiliary bishop who quit in 2020 over joining government-controlled bodies, celebrated the anniversary of his ...
Dr Mahaletchumy Arujanan, a world-renowned scholar, told AsiaNews that Malaysia has a unique opportunity to develop the ...
Some North Korean families are paying up to US 0 to keep their boys from deployment in the Ukraine-Russia war. The ...
In a paradoxical effect, Moscow's propaganda slogans about the ‘de-Nazification of Ukraine’ are causing skinheads and other ...
The Pontiff's message to the Assembly in Orissa that brings together the 204 bishops of the Latin Rite dioceses. Card. Ferrao ...
The ‘Personal Status Law’ approved without a parliamentary vote alarms activists and civil society. The fear of a ‘disintegration’ of the family and a step backwards in the rol ...
Pakistan hands down death penalty to four men for sharing blasphemous content online; Israeli fire kills two more people in southern Lebanon, despite truce; In Laos, two wo ...
Si paga fino a 500 dollari per l'aumento della richiesta da parte delle famiglie nordcoreane, che stanno cercando di impedire ...
Nel Fujian il vescovo che ha rinunciato alla carica di ausiliare nel 2020 per non registrarsi negli organismi ufficiali, ha ...
Il messaggio del pontefice all'Assemblea che in Orissa vede riuniti i 204 vescovi delle diocesi di rito latino. Card. Ferrao: ...
Cresce il movimento di opposizione allo sfruttamento economico. Fra i fattori di criticità demografia, inquinamento e ...