Congressman Josh Harder might want to take his reputation of being the nutria’s No. 1 enemy in California to the next level.
Newsom justified his position as being one of fairness, just like he did when he opened the floodgate on gay marriage when he ...
If you see the words “best if used by” on a salad mix package or canned food in a store, what does that mean to you? It’s a ...
The California congressional delegation is missing a golden opportunity to reduce the size of the federal government and ...
Sutter Health significantly expanded its footprint of services in the South County this month with the opening of a ...
*Bill Perry was the only mayor born in Manteca. *Bill Perry, Carlon Perry, and Ben Cantu were Manteca High graduates. *Bill ...
Ayden Petroff stumbled upon Southwestern College on a recruiting service website and was intrigued. It did not take long for ...
South San Joaquin Irrigation District in one fell swoop could improve the outlook for fish, help farmers south of the Delta, ...
The Lathrop Spartans dropped the first two sets against the Manteca Buffaloes before roaring back to win the last three to ...
With five Patterson players scoring in the fifth inning Saturday, Manteca’s Nate Slikker did his job after taking the mound ...
Manteca motorists— 688 to be exact — over 20 days have managed to clearly meet the legal threshold to qualify for a $490 ...
Manteca’s first ever Holi Festival is Sunday, March 9, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Woodward Park. It is not today as ...