Beverly Therrien and her two housemates were beaten to death by her son. Find out how investigators solved the heinous triple ...
Find out what happened to Jeanine Cammarata, 37, a Staten Island teacher and mom who vanished and was later found dead and burned in her husband's storage unit.
Learn more about Mary Yoder, a seemingly healthy chiropractor from Buffalo, New York, who died in 2015 at the age of 60, later determined to have been poisoned.
Dr. Teresa Sievers is found brutally murdered, but was she killed after a robbery gone wrong?
Laura Martin's daughter, Cheyann, speaks about learning of Bucky Barlow's murder.
Ali Irsan testifies in his own trial in an attempt to control the narrative.
When police bring Ali Irsan in for questioning, he begins mimicking symptoms of a heart attack.
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Preview: 40-year-old Abraham Gaspar-Reyes doesn't return home, causing his family members to worry.
Jose Ortiz, Tiffany Ortiz’s father, was ruled out as a potential suspect due to his incarceration in Florida. Police discover a close relationship between Jose and Beverly.
A deadly love triangle leads to a sadistic murder, but what really happened?
When Dr. Teresa Sievers doesn't show up to work, her coworkers and family become very concerned about her wellbeing.