As UNT's president for just a semester, it's remarkable how quickly UNT has felt like home to me. The warm welcome from our faculty and staff, collaboration and innovation as we embark on a new ...
Specialize in information and research and learn how to share knowledge with the world. The Master of Science with a major in Information Science is designed to provide students with the knowledge and ...
Design your future as you see it. Graphic designers play an important role in conveying the visual message of products or services in unique ways. The undergraduate Communication Design program ...
Harness the tools that help businesses and institutions do more with data. The Bachelor of Science in Data Science at the University of North Texas is designed to meet the rising demand for ...
Develop essential business and management skills and lead teams through project development and execution with an Engineering Management Masters from UNT. Considering advancing your career with a ...
Prepare to improve lives and address health disparities through research, psychology and movement. The graduate kinesiology program at the University of North Texas provides students with an in-depth ...
Ready to discuss your college plans? Schedule a meeting with one of our admissions counselors to receive personalized guidance and support as you navigate the admission process at the University of ...
Help make our digital world a safer place for everyone. The M.S. in Cybersecurity provides a high quality, academically challenging and career-enriching educational program that is responsive to ...
Get the training needed to help clients alleviate a wide range of mental, emotional and behavioral symptoms. The UNT Clinical Psychology doctoral program is one of only a handful of APA-accredited ...
Why do people behave as they do? Learn about the science of behavior and the technology of behavior change. Behavior principles underlie learning in a large number of diverse areas. This degree ...
Learn from one of the best Hospitality Management programs in the nation according to Our students gain the prestige and all the advantages of a university education: solid academic ...
Empower health care providers and transform patient care. The UNT Information Science Ph.D. program (or IIS Ph.D. program) responds to the varied and changing needs of the information age, therefore ...