Like getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist or forgetting your umbrella on the one day it downpours, occasional anxiety is ...
In stressful situations, our bodies respond by activating the sympathetic nervous system, the part of the autonomic nervous ...
For sufferers of summertime SAD, recognizing the signs and managing symptoms are crucial for conquering this rare form of ...
When there's a disaster, it's helpful to know what's going on—and know whether you're truly at risk. But as essential as ...
Avoidance is common, but in more severe cases, it can rule our lives. Avoidance is a coping mechanism for anxiety, although ...
Mental health problems amongst youngsters is a reality in India today. An effective solution is to equip them with tools and ...
Turns out, you can be taught ways to boost feelings of well-being. In fact, studies consistently show that people who learn — and practice — a set of strategies to manage stress end up feeling better.
To advertise here, Contact Us With challenges such as social isolation, health concerns, and economic uncertainty, fear and anxiety have ... Mindsets and coping mechanisms “The pandemic ...