Whether you prefer to stick with the classic themes or put your own creative spin on them, these traditional anniversary gifts and their modern counterparts are sure to make your spouse smile ...
A collection of over 30 gold and silver English and Scottish coins from throughout the 1400s were discovered near the ...
With its sumptuous painted miniatures in tempera and ink, gold and silver, the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry is the most treasured illuminated manuscript of the collections of Château de ...
As such, one could also understand some poor soldier’s decision to dump his 3.2-foot-long, two-handed sword known as a “Zweihänder” in a weapons deposit around the 14 th or 15 th century ...
The pair pinpointed a nearly 600-year-old treasure of 30 gold and silver coins that were minted in the fifteenth century.
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Some of the coins were English silver groats, minted by both Henry V (ruled from 1413 to 1422) and Edward IV (ruled from roughly 1461 to 1483), while others were Scottish gold demy and half-demys ...
which could change modern understandings of the ancient kingdom at a critical time in the 15th century B.C. It also highlights how Egyptology has changed from its origins in the 19th and early ...
LONDON (Reuters) - Anglo American (L:AAL) unit De Beers said its 2019 marketing budget will exceed last year's figure of ...