Tre år efter implementering af Netcompany-system: Sagsbehandlingstider i Københavns Kommune overskrides med op til 263 procent Selv om det er tre år tiden, at det Netcompany-udviklede fagsysem Domus ...
En af dem er vognmand Lars Matzen Petersen. - Vi er lidt nervøse. Bødeniveauet er helt ude af proportioner, siger vognmanden, der har sit eget firma. 5. januar fik han de første fem bøder ...
Det danske gældssystem TBS er så forældet, at situationen er kritisk. Systemet anvendes til al håndtering og inddrivelse af de omkring 360.000 studielån, som den danske statskasse for tiden har ude at ...
It took two rounds, but in fairly short order, the ground-breaking ceremony for a new Dennis Chavez Elementary School in Los Chavez was successfully completed last week. The row of golden shovels was ...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea has said that Seoul strives to ensure the transparent and effective implementation of international organizations’ projects conducted with Korea’s ...
dbt-af is a tool that allows you to run dbt models in a distributed manner using Airflow. It acts as a wrapper around the Airflow DAG, allowing you to run the models independently while preserving ...
The Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR) on Wednesday distributed aid, donated by China, to about 1,000 needy and internally displaced (IDPs) families in Kabul. Khalil-ur-Rahman Haqqani, the ...