Abstract: The gradient descent bit-flipping with momentum (GDBF-w/M ... decoding performance than the PGDBF-w/M algorithm without the need for a random number generator. Furthermore, the complexity of ...
An issue was identified in the initial release of GENERator-eukaryote-1.2b-base, likely caused by an unstable internet connection during upload. If you downloaded the ...
Using multiple strategies, we go on to show that removing or restoring the Arl3-GTP gradient within the cilium is sufficient to rescue the nuclear migration defect. Together, our results reveal that ...
Shallow gradients of netrin-1 elicited highly polarized Pak1-mediated phosphorylation of shootin1 within growth cones. We demonstrate that netrin-1–elicited shootin1 phosphorylation increases shootin1 ...