The actor is teaming up with Arnold Schwarzenegger for the festive comedy, directed by Hairspray and Disenchanted's Adam Shankman (and first announced back in June 2023). The film follows Santa ...
“The Man With the Bag” follows Santa, who turns to his naughty list to find a former thief to help him get his stolen magic bag back, according to a summary of the Adam Shankman-directed fil ...
“The Man With the Bag” follows Santa, who turns to his naughty list to find a former thief to help him get his stolen magic bag back, according to a summary of the Adam Shankman-directed film.
Arnold Schwarzenegger plays Santa Claus in his new holiday movie "The Man With The Bag" directed by Adam Shankman. Social media is buzzing with the first images of Arnold Schwarzenegger dressed as ...
“The Man With the Bag” follows Santa, who turns to his naughty list to find a former thief to help him get his stolen magic bag back, according to a summary of the Adam Shankman-directed fil ...
Meanwhile, it is also crucial to know that Adam Shankman has some even more great credits under his belt such as Hairspray, The Wedding Planner, and more. Moreover, it is not the first time that ...
Miley Cyrus' Golden Globe-nominated original song, Beautiful That Way, from The Last Showgirl, unexpectedly didn't get shortlisted for the Academy Award for Best Original Song. Despite the track ...
LAS VEGAS -- With the Boston Celtics on pace to shatter the NBA's record for 3-pointers attempted by a team, and with 3s being up across the league this season, NBA commissioner Adam Silver said ...
The teams seem to have noticed. "There has been some interest expressed by teams in playing in the home markets," NBA commissioner Adam Silver said Tuesday. "It's complicated enough scheduling a ...
The 77-year-old ‘Terminator’ actor, who was never short of accolades for his bodybuilding skills, was recently spotted in the Big Apple, filming for his action-comedy flick produced by Amazon MGM ...