Alaska salmon that begin their lives in hatcheries and are released to the sea as fingerlings, return home as adults and ...
Over the last ten years there has been a steady decline in hatchery-reared salmon making their mark on Alaska’s economy.
Utilizing the chitin in crab shells could add more than $10 million in first wholesale value. In fact, the ASMI report shows ...
Salmon roasted in butter, with some tender green herbs and thin rounds of lemon, is a memorable meal.
The updated 2025 forecast harvest would represent a slight drop from recent highs but still aligns closely with the 20-year ...
The board amended the proposal to remove setnets from the east side setnet fishery before the motion failed 3-3.
Canned salmon, long thought to be just a pantry staple, has unexpectedly become a valuable archive of Alaskan marine ecology.
The ongoing federal funding freeze is having an immediate negative impact on my organization and 26 people in Southeast ...
B.C.’s commercial salmon fishery has pretty much collapsed, along with Fraser River sockeye stocks, and now B.C.’s salmon ...
• Jeff Lund is a freelance writer based in Ketchikan. His book, “A Miserable Paradise: Life in Southeast Alaska,” is ...
Every so often, while dining at a restaurant, I look at the kid’s menu and honestly want an order of chicken tenders and tater tots with all the dipping sauces (this is your moment, to be honest with ...
Three former employees with the National Weather Service, U.S. Forest Service and NOAA Fisheries share their stories.