Police said the body had decomposed and she was reported missing on January 3. The body was retrieved on Thursday, January 16, after locals in the Mwambao village complained of a foul smell ...
An 18-year-old from Nyeri county scored an impressive A- in the 2024 KCSE exams despite spending much of his high school years fighting cancer Danson Baragu was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in ...
In 2011, Sheila Bobbet wrote her KCSE exam and got a C minus grade, which made her have high hopes for the future The young mum of two is now married and lives in Nyeri with her husband and children ...
Right: Maina sorts onions for sale at Kiawara Trading Centre in Nyeri County. In the bustling Kiawara Onion Market in Nyeri, 19-year-old Eric Maina cuts a distinct figure among the vendors calling out ...
Nyeri sendi adalah keluhan yang sering dialami, terutama oleh mereka yang berusia di atas 50 tahun, dan salah satu penyebab utama adalah radang sendi (arthritis). (freepik) NYERI sendi merupakan ...
Ini sebabnya setiap orang perlu memperhatikan tanda adanya masalah kesehatan jantung. Misalnya tingginya tekanan darah, nyeri pada dada, serta adanya kolesterol tinggi. Melansir India TV News, berikut ...
Terdapat beberapa organ penting di rongga perut, seperti lambung, usus kecil, usus besar, hati, kantung empedu, limpa dan ...