IPOH: A newborn baby boy was found covered in ants and bundled into a box at the Taman Kota Wira bus stop in Taiping. Taiping OCPD Asst Comm Razlam Ab Hamid said the infant was found wrapped in a ...
Police in Pennsylvania are investigating after a fetus was found buried in a backyard — months after a teen took an ...
Kuala Muda police chief Wan Azharuddin Wan Ismail says the baby was found with her umbilical cord still attached, in a bag under the carport of a house. Kuala Muda police chief Wan Azharuddin Wan ...
Susquehanna Regional Police say they responded to a home with a search warrant and found the buried baby about five hours after talking with a witness. According to an affidavit, the witness told ...