A Southern Indiana mother is suing multiple municipalities, saying their negligence led to her son’s drowning death at a ...
The Lower Basin states of California, Arizona and Nevada are asking for a fresh look at proposals for sharing the shrinking ...
Montana Trout Unlimited is seeking $300,000 to complete a project that would remove irrigation diversion dams from the ...
Last year, tribal nations in Oregon and California won a decades-long fight for the largest dam removal in U.S. history. This ...
After nine months of construction, the Fooses and Garfield dams in Chaffee County, have been completely removed and replaced ...
Pacific Northwest tribes and the states of Washington and Oregon are conducting studies to determine the impact of removing dams in the Columbia River Basin as a means to revive fish populations ...
Water and Sanitation Deputy Minister, Sello Seitlholo, and the Rhodes University Centre for Biological Control (CBC) have ...
The introduced species, Cyrtobagous salviniae, is a subaquatic herbivorous insect renowned for its ability to curtail the ...
Candidates running for the Elgin City Council on April 1 provide bio information and answer questions related to why they’re ...
The report has been criticized by groups that worry the dams will result in the collapse of endangered Atlantic salmon and ...
Doctors from Harvard Medical School have filed a lawsuit challenging the Trump administration's removal of articles about their research from a government-run website focused on patient safety because ...
This bill is a reaction to recent discussions about breaching the four dams on the lower Snake River. Should this bill become law, it would block any future efforts to remove those dams.