Released in December 1964, the Smokey Robinson-penned “My Girl” was created for then-Temptations member David Ruffin after The Miracles frontman took in a show the Temps had in Detroit.
The Temptations, UK, April 1972 ... earning the group their first chart-topping hit. Featuring David Ruffin as lead vocalist, the track solidified the group’s place in music history.
The Life and Times of the Temptations. Mekell, who is currently touring with the show, will portray David Ruffin during performances Jan. 10-11 at OPAC.
Genna Sapia-Ruffin is a Baltimore native who met David Ruffin of The Temptations in 1964. Their relationship led her to Detroit, where she became a mother to their son and experienced firsthand ...
The best David Ruffin songs prove that the Motown singer most remembered for his time with The Temptations recorded some majestic work under his own name. David launched his post-Temptations ...
Circus Circus, the venerable 56-year-old north Strip resort that caters to families and low-budget visitors, may soon be sold by owner Phil Ruffin, according to a published report. Ruffin ...
His work has previously appeared in The Berkshire Eagle and Luxe Interiors + Design. Does David Beckham have a secret sibling? In a lighthearted trailer for Stella Artois’ forthcoming Super Bowl ...
David Lynch, who died this week at 78, was one of those artists. Just to say that name, David Lynch (so ironic in its simplicity), is to conjure not merely a roster of immortal movies but a higher ...
With the Camp David Accords of 1978, Carter was able to stand out from his predecessors by notching a success in an area where they had failed. The feat became particularly notable amid a ...
The director said years before his death that his third feature film was a "total failure" in his eyes william karel/Sygma via Getty David Lynch revealed one of his biggest career regrets years ...
After leaving the Temptations in 1968, David Ruffin had been making solo records for some seven years by the time he had his greatest success in his own right with the superb “Walk Away From ...