In the years since Taylor Swift became a superstar, she has used her wealth to build an impressive real estate portfolio. She ...
Near the Great Swamp Management Area in South Kingstown now lies the new Eleanor & Maurice H. Gordon Wildlife Refuge.
It’s the idea of taking the Speakers' Corner and putting it where no one wants to speak,” law Professor David A. Logan said.
Taylor Swift is expanding her Westerly, Rhode Island mansion, adding new rooms and remodeling the kitchen of the beachfront ...
The new wing will feature another bedroom and more bathrooms, and the pop star’s existing kitchen also will be getting a ...
Browse the AD PRO Directory to find an AD -approved design expert for your next project.
Rhode Island Gov. Dan McKee delivered his State of the State address on Tuesday, talking about economic development, schools ...
URI will be looking to get above the .500 mark in conference play when it visits the Ramblers Wednesday night.
The Avalonia Land Conservancy recently announced that a donation of 11.3 acres brings its total amount of conserved land in town to more than 1,100 acres. The land includes 18 preserves totaling more ...
Gov. Dan McKee announced the opening of three emergency winter hubs across the state as Rhode Islanders brace for the arrival ...
Some rates use different ages or coverage limits. Travelers has the cheapest rates for most people in Rhode Island, but Amica is the best choice for people who value great customer service. While ...
The state of Rhode Island’s schools The Globe’s Dan McGowan and Steph Machado moderated a conversation about the state of Rhode Island’s schools at a Rhode Map Live event before a live audience.