Our ability to rotate plays a key role in sports performance but also in our daily lives. Here are two exercises to strengthen your rotation and prevent back pain.
Diverticulitis is a condition where small, bulging pouches (diverticula) that form in the walls of the digestive ...
Low back pain affects an estimated one in four American adults and is the leading contributor to disability globally. In most ...
UPF researchers have led the creation of a computational simulator that is unique in the world to study one of the causes of ...
All the signs and symptoms of diverticulitis that people need to take note to watch for as Virgin Media presenter Alan Hughes ...
Nearly 8 out of every 10 people will have low back pain at some point in life. Back pain is one of the top reasons people seek medical treatment. It is also the No. 1 reported reason for seeking ...
In some cases, pain in the back of the head can signal a more severe type of headache, like a low-pressure or cervicogenic headache. The pain may also be a sign of a condition like occipital ...
Almost everyone experiences low back pain every now and then. Whether mild or severe, short-term or long-term, low back pain can greatly affect your daily life. When low back pain strikes ...
The foods you eat may contribute to the development of diverticulitis ... instruct you to follow a liquid diet and then progress to a low-fiber diet before slowly adding higher-fiber foods back into ...
The initial case definition for LBP was ‘activity-limiting LBP (± pain referred into one or both lower limbs) that lasts for at least one day’.12 The ‘low back’ was defined as the area on the ...
But one big mistake many exercisers make with deadlifts is using the lower back to lift the weight, which can lead to pain and injury. If you experience lower back pain after deadlifts ...