The Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema organized a solidarity initiative on Thursday at the Tofiq Mosque in Addis Ababa to support underprivileged Ethiopians during the holy month of Ramadan.
At least 14 million children are expected to face disruptions to essential nutrition support and services in 2025 because of ...
Chef Abraham Gessesse walked into the kitchen of his Grand Avenue restaurant Hyacinth on a Wednesday in January to find his sous chef Connor Barth wearing a giant smile. “What are you so happy about?” ...
Elvan Abeylegesse, the Ethiopian-born Turkish athlete, not only carved her name into the record books but also bridged two ...
The Quality-of-Life Initiative equips local authorities with the data and insights they need to ensure that urban expansion benefits every resident. UNECA said yesterday that underpinning the ...
A deal has been reached between former Gov. Matt Bevin, his ex-wife Glenna and their adopted son Jonah, who had filed for a ...
As the first light of the morning sun breaks over the hills of Konso, Kawadaya Oldisha, 45, begins his daily routine of ...
East African ministers responsible for arts and culture have reached what many are describing as an historic agreement to ...
Withdrawal of USAID support will severely threaten tuberculosis control efforts in Ethiopia and in many other countries around the world.
This year, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is set to mobilize stakeholders in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, ...
What would Jesus do for this person? Then we do the same,” founder and executive director of Grace Center Marcie Erickson told CNA.
Bevin, his ex-wife Glenna, and their adopted son, Jonah, appeared in a Louisville family court Friday. Jonah has a protective ...