Quirky black comedy Death of a Unicorn starring Jenna Ortega and Paul Rudd has landed a UK release date. The movie from writer-director Alex Scharfman will hit UK cinemas on April 4 — a week after its ...
The Marvel star is in Australia to film a comedic reimagining of Jennifer Lopez’s 1997 killer snake horror flick BACKGRID Paul Rudd is having some fun in the sun. On Saturday, Jan. 18 ...
Actor Paul Rudd on the set of new movie Anaconda being filmed on the Gold Coast. Picture: BACKGRID Between takes, Rudd was seen staying sun-smart, attempting to fend off the blazing heat with a ...
Hollywood stars Paul Rudd and Jack Black have been spotted on the Gold Coast this week filming their upcoming blockbuster Anaconda. Sporting a casual white T-shirt, shorts, and a pair of ...
It makes sense their collective chemistry is so believable because, as Rudd told Entertainment Weekly, they all “lived at the camp…It was like being in summer camp and everybody hung out with ...
With Sonic, the Liar Liar actor has taken over the records of actors Christian Bale, Cameron Diaz, Natalie Portman, Paul Rudd and his co-actors in the Jeff Fowler movie Idris Elba and Keanu Reeves.
Black portrays a wedding videographer with frustrated directorial ambitions, while Rudd plays a former TV actor watching his Hollywood dreams slip away. Newton and Zahn join as additional ...
Paul Rudd and Jack Black will star in a new comedic version of Anaconda, set for release on December 25, 2025. Directed by Tom Gormican, the film will diverge from the original thriller ...
This is just absolutely so clearly my real calling, my real purpose.” While Ellen, Evangeline and Eliza are some of the recent stars to leave the world of entertainment, keep reading to see who ...
Born April 6th, 1969 into a British Jewish family in New Jersey, Paul Rudd was destined for the screen. His charming style and adorable smile win over audiences everywhere. He can play a jerk ...