The show, inspired by the ongoing Fast franchise, has received a straight-to-series order. This animated Fast and the Furious puts the focus on Tony Toretto, younger cousin of Dominic Toretto ...
There has not been much traction on the eleventh Fast & Furious movie, Fast X: Part 2, and the franchise’s star, Vin Diesel, ...
Tony Toretto and crew arrive to lure kids in to the Furious franchise. Vin Diesel is one of the executive producers of the new show, so we shouldn't be surprised at some kind of cameo from big ...
Here’s how it works. Over the course of the past 24 years, the Fast & Furious franchise has gone from one about street-racing and boosting DVD players to a massive action brand known for its ...
After eight go-rounds on the the big screen, the “Fast & Furious” franchise is zooming to your TV set, courtesy of Netflix. Paul Walker’s father said his son was “kind of reckless” with ...
Simon is a Los Angeles-based journalist who covers film and TV. The highly anticipated Fast and Furious rollercoaster will open at Universal Studios Hollywood in 2026. The attraction's title has ...