The study observed that a juice-based diet can adversely affect the oral bacterial environment, leading to inflammation. Here's all you need to know.
From cabbage soup to the F-plan, quick fix diets promise everything from miracle weight loss to eternal youth – but do any of ...
You can't deny that booze can do a number on your body, especially when you have a few too many. But by taking a few ...
The well-meaning man I met that night was also not a doctor - I did ask him - but I did not think to ask if he was an ...
Mr Geoppo further suggested that even junk foods don't need to be eliminated, and can be eaten in moderation. He proposed ...
Believe it or not, herbs are basil-ically the spice of life! Herbs don't just belong in the kitchen, however; they can also ...
Three days away from completing the challenge (I adjusted it to February 1 because of an early failure), allow me to tell you ...
The authorities could allow the country’s currency, the peso, to weaken against the dollar, effectively making its exports ...
Banning booze in Bihar has empowered gangs and illicit markets in an echo of the 1920s. Here's what went wrong ...