The story follows the blossoming relationship between high schooler Wakana Gojo, a Hina doll enthusiast, and the fashionable Marin Kitagawa. A live-action adaptation starring Riko Nagase and Kota ...
JJK characters like Nanami and Gojo make fans' hearts flutter every time they grace the screen, but which one's hotter?
Satoru Gojo's Limitless Cursed Technique and Six Eyes ... Nobara Kugisaki’s Straw Doll Technique, while effective against cursed spirits and sorcerers, lacks the raw power needed to harm ...
But the surprise doesn’t end there. As I mentioned before, the epilogue focused on Panda in the year 2080. And he was now a doll in Gojo clan’s storeroom. It is Yuta’s grandchildren who stumble upon ...
The anime starts with the story of Gojo Wakana, a high school student with a passion for creating Hina dolls, Japanese dolls that resemble the Heian-era monarch. One day, he runs into his classmate, a ...
Gojo Satoru, the face of JJK, was quite easily one of the most powerful characters in the story. Fans were introduced to Gojo right at the very beginning and he was openly declared to be the ...
Fans know for a fact that Yuta had accomplished quite a lot by this time in his life, and that he had attained tremendous strength, rivaling that of possibly even Gojo. Yuta Became The Acting Head ...
Gojo is the only one capable of fighting Kenjaku and the disaster curses. The other sorcerers jump into the battle as soon as he’s out of the picture. The story gets darker with the Shibuya ...