Below you will find documentation on the Application Programming Interface (API) of the Haiku operating system. This API describes the internals of the operating system allowing developers to write ...
Thanks for checking out Haiku! This is our 8th public release. We hope to attract new developers to our project and give users a chance to check out Haiku. While this fourth beta release includes all ...
"Scripting" is the technique of automating procedures by stringing together commands and saving it all as text files, so called "scripts". Every time you run such a script, the commands are processed ...
This section covers constants and types defined for use by kernel drivers and modules. The B_CUR_DRIVER_API_VERSION constant indicates what version of the driver API your driver will be built to.
Is a dynamically linked library (a "shared library"). Most applications link against the system libraries (,, and so on) that Be provides. An add-on image Is an image that you load ...
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non commercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Whenever time jumps suddenly (for instance, when a seek operation occurs), call this function to inform all slaved nodes that time has jumped in a discontinuous manner. You should also call this ...
BFilePanel knows how to create and display an "Open File" or "Save File" panel, and provides the means for filtering and responding to the user's actions on the panel. The Save Panel looks like this: ...
Each view is assigned a coordinate system of its own. By default, the coordinate origin—(0.0, 0.0)—is located at the left top corner of the view rectangle. The x-axis extends to the right and the ...
Let's first decide what filetype and attributes would serve our needs. Originally, I planned to use a bookmark file with a link to the movie's IMdB page, but since Haiku didn't have a "bookmarkable" ...
Each key on a computer's keyboard is assigned a numerical code which is reported as the key field in the B_KEY_DOWN or B_UNMATCHED_KEY_DOWN message. Likewise, the key field of the B_KEY_UP or ...