However, if you are willing to have a cap on your downside in exchange for a cap on the upside, there is a multi-leg options ...
The iron condor is a four-legged options strategy intended to capitalize on a period of muted, low-volatility price action in the underlying security. This play is essentially the combination of a ...
Understanding Iron Condors An iron condor is an options trading strategy designed to generate income in range-bound markets. Traders sell out-of-the-money call and put spreads, collecting premium ...
That's why traders who anticipate a rise in implied volatility often deploy a long iron condor. To put it simply, kinesis is this option strategy's best friend, while stasis is its enemy.
Fortunately, with an options strategy called the long iron condor, the focus is on volatility or price movement rather than the ultimate direction of the security. Paralysis by analysis represents ...
At the same time, the volatility in CCJ stock warrants consideration of a unique options strategy called the Long Iron Condor. Unlike many other strategies that involve a directional wager ...
Iron condors generally have short put and call spreads that ... exercised to offset the short shares by covering the short shares. Additionally, any options strategy involving short options may face ...
Now that was a long volatility trade — a prediction that the options were underpriced. Let’s look at a trade that takes the other side of that strategy using an example from a stock that’s ...