Four turbofans, mounted under 35-degree swept wings, power the KC-135 to takeoffs at gross weights of up to 322,500 pounds. A cargo deck above the refueling system can hold a mixed load of ...
Standish joined the U.S. Air Force in September 1968. In 1972, at the age of 25, he became one of the youngest captains on the KC-135. He flew many missions in this aircraft over Vietnam, and at home, ...
Archeologists Stumble Upon a 1000-Year-Old ‘White Road’ Built by a Ruthless Maya Warrior Queen, Unclear of Its Purpose Ukraine ends supply of Russian gas to Europe 5 Things You Should Do First ...
Today marks the 60th anniversary of the 1965 crash of the KC-135 Stratotanker in the Piatt neighborhood in north Wichita.