Rental Market Report from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC,) the vacancy rate in Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo has reached its highest level since 1993.
TEN unfortunate pensioners received just 52p in state pension last year, which is not enough for even a pint of milk. These ...
The city of Rockford recently announced its 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, and the majority of that plan aims to address the housing need in the area, specifically for the ...
Hawai’i’s Legislature made a historic investment in affordable housing in 2022, betting that $300 million would make a dent in the state’s affordability crisis.
A new study ranked states by how much of their income people would have to spend to live alone. Here's how Arizona rated.
Affordable rental housing has been a hurting proposition, becoming a full-blown affordable housing crisis.
Faltering local economies and development disagreements are stalling needed housing development in rural areas, while zoning and building codes prevent much-needed small housing statewide.
If the program’s resources are finite, you might feel an ethical qualm about taking assistance that someone else needs more.
If you drive 10 miles in any direction around the Greater Harrisburg Region, you are likely to find new developments adding a ...
When Idaho lawmakers consider a policy change affecting public schools a detailed spreadsheet is usually nearby. When it ...
La Plata County is home to eight licensed family homes and 24 licensed child care centers, down from 16 and 32, respectively, ...
Buying a rental property isn't the only way to make passive income from real estate. REITs provide passive income from ...