Wie es sich anfühlt, richtig Fahrt aufzunehmen, erlebte Kees van Wonderen (55) auch in der Winterpause. Mit seiner Familie verbrachte er die Feiertage im Skiurlaub auf steilen Pisten in Österreich.
This is definitely a more intimate ship, but if that’s what you prefer from a cruise line, you’ll feel right at home on MSC Poesia. MSC Poesia was built at STX Europe. MSC Orchestra is smaller ...
“If you build it, they will come” is a line that works just as well for the ambitious MSC Cruises as it did for Kevin Costner’s character in Field of Dreams. The Italian-owned line ...
MSC Poesia, MSC Orchestra, MSC Musica, MSC Sinfonia, MSC Opera and MSC Lirica. MSC Cruises believes that global leadership brings increased responsibility toward the physical and human environments in ...