On a bench, partially shaded from Mombasa’s oppressive mid-day sun by an awning, 14-year-old Julie* reveals her future career aspirations.“I wanted to be a lawyer,” she says, gazing out over the ...
The 'It Ends With Us' director and co-star apologizes repeatedly in the six-minute-plus message for anything he did to upset her, and ends the recording by saying, "You probably have kids all over you ...
Sutton, of course, is absolutely right, but what drives me crazy about her is that she can’t come out and say it in the scene. She waits for the comfort of the confessional booth and then empties both ...
Reality shows came up with the most ridiculous ideas they could think of in order to set themselves apart, but sadly, that ...
The UConn men’s hockey team has been on a surge in January, and is now projected as a No.1 seed for the NCAA Tournament.
She navigates her life from there by echolocation, her supersonic cries reflecting off other places—from city to city, rented ...
My Story of Love, Loss, and Embracing the Light, on The Jamie Kern Lima Show, Allison Holker recalled a "traumatizing" ...
While the lawsuits are the focus of much chatter surrounding the It Ends With Us, we need to talk about about the harm ...
The Savannah River Site Museum, 224 Laurens St. S.W., is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. The museum ...
A bank robbery suspect armed with a machete was fatally shot by a Lancaster police officer after the man fled a financial ...
A man is accused of shooting and killing his wife in their South Gulf Cove home right in front of their children Sunday night ...
Out of fear, the woman ran, but the yelling man followed, police said. When she got to the street, he stopped trailing her, ...