The CBI has filed a corruption case against its Deputy Superintendent BM Meena, accusing him of receiving bribes through hawala channels. Searches across multiple cities led to the recovery of Rs 55 ...
New Delhi: Meena Bindra, who created Biba in 1988 –– the clothing brand that became a staple in the wardrobes of urban, upper-middle-class women –– originally wanted some more “spending money”. Her ...
"An 11-year-old girl then sang the song Udayavagali Namma Cheluva Kannada Nadu (Rise, our lovely Kannada land). This song was specially prepared for the Congress and this occasion marked the first ...
Kochi: Malayalam actress Meena Ganesh, 82, passed away at a private hospital in Shoranur, Palakkad, on Thursday morning. She was under treatment for the last five days following a stroke.