The animated film "Walk in the Light" about Oklahoma City bombing survivor Raymond Washburn has been nominated for an NAACP Image Award.
We remember and honor those 168 who lost their lives on April 19, 1995, when a bomb went off in front of the Murrah building in downtown Oklahoma City.
On Day 88, we remember Larry James Jones. Larry J. Jones of Yukon, 46, was a computer program specialist with the Federal ...
Elijah Mothershed, along with his fiancé, Carnesha Powell, and her 15-year-old daughter, Roshawna Stevens, were all found ...
New rules were approved for schools Tuesday by the Oklahoma State Board of Education. Among those, is having schools collect immigration status before enrolling in public school.
Authorities in Oklahoma have arrested a suspect for a shooting that left one person dead and another injured near Downtown ...
A 27-year-old man suspected in a deadly shooting late December in the Historic Westside has been apprehended. Maalik Wilborn, ...