German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has sharply criticized his election rival and leader of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU) ...
So far, the leadership of the center-left Social Democratic Party is publicly demonstrating support for Scholz as their top ...
Olaf Scholz has lost a vote of confidence in his leadership and Germany now faces its first election of the truly post-Angela ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday lost a confidence vote in the country's Bundestag, clearing the path for an early ...
Scholz won the support of 207 lawmakers in the 733-seat lower house, or Bundestag, while 394 voted against him and 116 ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz faces a confidence vote on Monday he is expected to lose, paving the way for which will likely ...
Olaf Scholz fand in Potsdam bei seinen Genossen Anklang: Mit rund 90,8 Prozent der Stimmen wurde er auf der SPD-Landesvertreterversammlung zum Spitzenkandidaten der Brandenburger SPD gewählt.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz today requested a confidence vote in Germany's parliament, set to take place next week. He submitted the motion in writing to the President of the Bundestag ...
Once dissolved, a new election must take place within 60 days. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz gives a statement to the media on the day he submitted an official request to the Bundestag that it ...
Dafür hat Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz nun wie geplant unter Berufung auf Artikel 68 des Grundgesetzes bei Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas die Vertrauensfrage beantragt. Die Abgeordneten sollen ...
Olaf Scholz hat einen Brief mit nur zwei Sätzen an Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas geschickt. Nun steht er aus Sicht eines großen Teils der Bevölkerung vor einer seiner leichtesten Übungen.
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is set on Wednesday to submit a request to parliament to hold a vote of confidence, the necessary precursor to holding new federal elections after ...