Roads across England and Wales are facing a repair backlog of £16.81 billion and an annual survey claims it will take 12 ...
Cities are finding creative ways to address the problem locally. In Boston, for example, the Boston 311 service allows people ...
MnDOT crews patch potholes with a temporary cold mix during the Spring. The problem with that is the traffic can damage it again. During the summer, crews use hot asphalt, which surfaces roads for a ...
The City of Alexandria deserves credit for trying to fix the worst potholes on city streets. City officials encourage drivers ...
The owners of the Pittsburgh Mills Mall have put money down to fix massive potholes that developed on the roads around the ...
Troy has launched "Operation Pothole," a concerted effort by the Quality-of-Life Action Crews to address the numerous ...
The developers of graphene won a Nobel Prize. Could this much-hyped chemical additive to concrete make Omaha streets repel ...
Shift from reactive to preventative maintenance with regular road assessments and scheduled resurfacing before road failure ...
Highway operations technicians with the New Jersey Department of Transportation repair potholes year-round with the most ...
The state of New York has over 240,000 miles of paved roadways, over half of which are estimated to be in "poor" condition, ...
INDIANAPOLIS — Indianapolis Department of Public Works crews have filled more than 13,000 potholes but still have thousands ...
It’s far from a a new problem, but a new round of complaints have been made to the Your Stories Team about all the potholes ...