The upcoming sequel to Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes will tie the modern reboot franchise with the original series in one ...
In 2024, the first Planet of the Apes movie in more than a half-decade was released as the start of a new era of the ...
A monkey in Varanasi gained internet fame by attempting to fly a kite, captivating viewers with its human-like hand movements. The viral video has amassed over 452k views. This amusing incident ...
Astronauts stranded on a hostile world are shocked to find it is an ape civilisation, with humans merely mute beasts and where being otherwise is deadly dangerous.
Slowing down climate change is an immense task, but small individual actions can add up to help reduce emissions. In 2024, the critical 1.5C threshold was breached for a full year for the first ...
When the ladies who inhabit the all-lesbian planet of Aquaterra need some top-grade male breeding stock, what else would they do besides don their bikinis and blast off for planet Earth?
Olivia Hussey, the actress who gained acclaim after starring in Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, has died at the age of 73. Her family announced her death on the ...
Planet of the Apes is an amazing film. A political-sociological allegory, cast in the mold of futuristic science-fiction, it is an intriguing blend of chilling satire, a sometimes ludicrous ...
The tech billionaire and CEO of SpaceX believes that direct democracy, where decisions are made by the people themselves rather than through elected representatives, would be the ideal system for ...