“It is the government’s political commitment to make a policy for maximum utilisation of the nation's unused fibre cables.” Faiz made these remarks in a speech at a discussion programme ...
NAIROBI, Kenya, Feb 25 – The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has raised concern over disruptions to internet services in Nairobi following the removal of fibre optic cables from Kenya Power ...
During the meetings, Marcos discussed with concerned agencies plans to improve the fiber optic cable network in Metro Manila and refine the language of the Department of Water Resources bill. (PCO ...
We will take all necessary measures to push them to settle their dues.” Njoroge accused KPLC of enabling non-compliant companies to mount fiber optic cables on power lines without county business ...
Abstract: This letter reports the nonlinearity tolerance properties of hierarchical distribution matching (HiDM), which is a distribution matcher of reasonable complexity for probabilistic amplitude ...
As for performance, the lowest fibre plan will now provide 100 Mbit/s, and the most popular one, 500 Mbps downloads. Copper broadband cannot match fibre, ditto current fixed-wireless service. But wait ...
This will help mitigate and prevent damage to fibre-optic cables during road construction and rehabilitation projects. Adebiyi, while inaugurating the committee, directed it to establish ...