Many budding gardeners seek ways to create their own green spaces without breaking the bank. In this guide, I will share my ...
Wilkerson, a DIY enthusiast with a passion for creative projects and hands-on building. For more inspiration, check out The ...
Proper planting of asparagus crowns is essential for their development. In early spring, dig trenches approximately six ...
While it may seem smart to use rocks or gravel in the bottom of a raised bed, this practice can actually prevent your garden ...
What are the advantages of raised beds? Better Drainage: A raised bed permits plant roots to develop in soil held above water-logged, potentially contaminated, or compacted sites. You can easily ...
Really cheap. Many raised-garden kits cost upwards of $100, but these bricks sell for around $3 each and you only need four of them for a basic bed. Between the bricks and four lengths of suitable ...
Internet search engines know I am a gardener and I am older than 60. Pop-up ads, Facebook notifications and emails constantly pester me with offers on raised beds, mostly made of cedar, but also ...
Visit BBC Webwise for full instructions Joe's guide to constructing a raised bed using a railway sleeper wall. Railway sleepers - Joe used cleanly cut sleepers with a Length of 2.4m (8ft 2.5in ...
Gardeners start to feel housebound this time of year. Sure, you can make a weekly shopping venture to Lewiston or hike out to ...
A new community garden at Mary H. Wright Elementary School in Spartanburg provides students with experiences on how to manage ...